Wednesday, October 12, 2011

I've run into Archimate some months ago, while trying to find an standard way to represent the architecture of the systems and enterprises I was working with. I found it very interesting: I draw some examples and found the results quite good: the models were very expressive, although I'd say Visio drawings look better. Anyway, I've decided to use it and try to realize its full power. Some questions I'll try to answer while adopting it:
- does the model scale? I realize this is hard for any modeling technique, and the key is the abstraction level the model is developed with, but I hope to find an easy way of doing this with Archimate.
- is it really good? I wonder that just because I don't see it used in a lot of places, so I wonder why: maybe it is just a question of knowing it exists, maybe it is too hard for most people to use. Time will tell.
Meanwhile, here are some good links:
- Archimate official page:
- Free modeling tool:

Trying to update this as soon as getting more info....

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